Creamy, simple, quick, and kid-friendly dessert. With only 4 ingredients, it's cheap and sure to be a family favorite. This recipe is doubled to fit my...
This is the best finger gelatin recipe. I've been making it for many years. It's simple to make, and kids love it! You can be very creative for parties...
This is a recipe I discovered about 25 years ago when grape gelatin was hard to find! It's a terrific side dish or a delicious dessert. It's very rich...
A friend taught me to make this years ago - without a recipe. It is very quick and easy. The sweet, creamy salad is great as a cool, refreshing side dish...
My aunt gave me this recipe ten years ago, when we were celebrating Christmas at her house. I have made it every year since then, and now my family considers...
This is my mom's recipe, and it is delicious! It can be served as either a salad or dessert. This recipe can also be used to make parfaits. Simply layer...
This salad has been a family favorite for over four generations, requested every Thanksgiving and Christmas. It is smooth and creamy with the crunch of...
Tired of the flat flavor of store bought orange gelatin? You can make your own with this simple recipe of gelatin, orange and lemon juice and zest and...
My family serves this Thanksgiving tradition. It's a delicious twist on plain cranberry sauce, filled with apples and walnuts. The flavor blend is excellent...
This is a great way to use left over rhubarb sauce. Your kids may not even know rhubarb is a key ingredient. Excellent salad with poultry. Another serving...
Cool and refreshing fruit salad. The sour cream adds a creamy tang. If you like you can add more coconut and marshmallows. If desired, confectioner's sugar...
My Step-mom gave me this recipe about 20 years ago and we have incorporated it into our holiday traditions ever since! It may seem strange to put cheese...
Mother made this often this during WW II when sugar was rationed. You can use any flavor gelatin (I personally like the green lime). It is a light sweet...